Our Partners

At BIF, we believe that collaboration is a catalyst for meaningful change - and because no idea is an island. So, we are highly selective about who we partner with - choosing like-minded and like-spirited organisations, individuals, and communities who share our values, purpose, and mission.

Our partnerships are built on a shared commitment to innovation that serves both people and planet. Together, we align around creative solutions, bold ideas, and transformative action that drive progress where it matters most.

We’re proud to collaborate with our co-conspirators imagining a better world and working tirelessly to make it a reality.

Top 20 (ish) in No Particular Order:

  1. Richard Connell Ex General Manager and music marketing supremo, one of the most creative people I know, and is now CEO Metropolis Music

  2. James Scroggs The man of many hats, venturing partner and newly minted MBE for mental health services - and kindred spirit in unleashing next-gen venturing. Always a mind expanding coffee chat - and he’ll meet with almost anyone

  3. Bernie Evans Executive coach and newly minted shaman gifted with true sight - if you have the need to venture deep within for more purpose without, Bernie is your man

  4. John Mason My long-suffering fellow rogue (he knows) and co-founder of SIDEWAYS venturing together in work and life

  5. Ged Doherty Ex Chairman and CEO Sony Music (amongst many other Music Exec roles re BPI etc), now Exec Producing & Co-Founder of Rain Dog films

  6. Jamie Burdett Sustainability supremo and fellow traveller in the mystic worlds - Jamie works tirelessly for a better world and IMHO is up there amongst the best global strategists

  7. Milan Bates Not just heart surgeon to the stars and public alike, but also one of life’s true genius inventors - think Alexander Bell but in health. Soon to be co-founding partner if our new tech gets away

  8. Dan Heasman Dan was another client almost at the start of BIF when were we young innovators and he was even younger! Dan went on to follow us in the world of innovation, and grow to become a US leader in cultural transformation (he’s so good we’re scheming BIF USA with Dan 🇺🇸 🗽)

  9. Charlotte Cline World beating brand and design supremo who has envisioned and delivered most of BIF printed materials - I hesitate to make her public on here because you’re not allowed to contact her - she’s ours :))

  10. Darrel Pugh Another world class collaborator but this time in all things technology - Darrel and I share a love for Fandom in business, and he’s your man if you want to use or keep using SalesForce etc, but save a ton of money making it work productively for you

  11. Harbrinder Kang HK was my Cisco CSR client 10+ years ago and we’ve been fellow travellers ever since - his heart is in AI for social impact so if you have need in that space HK and team are your people

  12. Gail Gallie Gail and I go way back to BBC Radio 1 days, and since have become tight family friends and fellow travellers in the SDG impact space - find her at Davos or NYC or anywhere in between where Govt/Brands/and Social Impact collide

  13. Larry Kopald Larry’s the most senior exec dude I know, who after a stellar brand and adman kind-of career has become a pioneer in climate change, soil science and world-solving technology

  14. Hamish Reid A true mate since running amok at University together, Hamish has travelled the global worlds of branding and marketing into sustainability and now advising climate resiliency with his corporate networks on behalf of all consumers (whilst committing serious time to cracking foiling 💥)

  15. Stephanie Schweighofer-Jones Fellowship traveller, understanding company, and world-class brand strategist supremo, Steph is stepping back from coal-face works which is a loss for everyone

  16. John Mullan I met John the year I landed in London and we became good mates and then fellow travellers over 20+ years of soulful living - if you’re in need of a new barnet (💇🏻‍♀️💇🏼) do yourself a favour and let John create the new you

  17. John Kelleher JK is another fellowship traveller, surfer, artist and extraordinary graphic designer that if you’re in NZ and in need you would be v v lucky to have John apply his creative smarts on your behalf.. he has an eye that loves

  18. Briony Turner Co-President of Atlantic Records UK, Briony is a fast rising star in the music world - if you’re an Artist and you’re under her wing then global super fandom awaits - and if you’re working with her then it’s same for you and your career

  19. Greg Rowland Greg has a brain the size of a planet, and when pointed at brands in culture he delivers a kind of poetic understanding the transcends all previous data and insight - if you want to answer the role of your brand in culture, Greg is your man

  20. Seth Shenbanjo Seth is one of those rare technology innovators who turns the sharpest cutting edge into real world application that actually works out of the box - Seth continues to blow my mind, and if you’re in need of AI that works Seth and team are your crew (a bit like Charlotte tho, you’re down the list after us thanks :)

  21. Greg Menendez A recent connection albeit it’s been suggested we should connect for years, to say Greg is a transformation coach is to not describe his big heart and prescient insight to help surface your deeper bigger more impactful adventure your life can have

Agency Collaborators

Bastion Shine Teaming with BastionShine to co-venture BIF into NZ corporate communities to unlock ideas, people, and cultural performance

Institutions and Organisations

Clock Your Skills CLOCK is from brilliance of Denise Stanley-Chard who is pioneering a revolutionary approach to Education and Skills recognition that will 1 day become accepted practice (I’m (Matt) currently ‘clocking’ my skills as part of CLOCK Level 8 towards my PhD in creative practice)