Parenting the Parents

...reigniting big people creativity so you become the confident guide your little people need on their journey into BIG ideas :)

What is BIF Parenting?

As parents, grandparents, and carers, our role is to prepare kids for a confident, thriving life. In a world of rapid AI advancements and resulting ‘brain-melting’ technology (here now and way more to come), creativity, curiosity, empathy, collaboration, and resilience are critical future-proofing skills.

That’s why we’ve developed BIF Parenting - resources that help you reconnect with your own creativity so you can confidently parent for creativity in your children (and that’s our lane here - you won’t find anything judgy or us getting outside of this lane).

Why is BIF Parenting So Important?

Robotic revolutions and AI-driven transformations demand uniquely human qualities. Confidently parenting for creativity is one of the best ways to future-proof our kids, come what may.

“The change was palpable.

Right then, I saw this inner shift in her. I could sense immediate new confidence. It was as if resonating through her being was a profound new truth; ‘I’m an IdeasGirl’”.

How Does BIF Parenting Work?

No one wants to be told how to parent. Instead, BIF Parenting focuses on reparenting adult creativity - helping big people rediscover their creative superpowers. Only then can we confidently parent for our kids’ creativity.

We keep it simple with three low-hurdle ways to get started:

First, a Handbook for Parents

Our short, visual read introduces our ‘what, why and how’ of parenting for creativity that introduces 3 easy principles:

  1. Kids are little people with big ideas

  2. The outdoors is their wild ideas playground

  3. The little moments are our big parenting moments

Second, a Parenting Masterclass

Explore creative parenting with good company, great wine, and tasty food (or a virtual alternative) as we introduce BIFKiDS to a group of curious parents and bring our handbook to life:

  • Introducing BIF for Lifelong Creativity

  • The neuroscience of the creative brain

  • How that translates into creative parenting at home

  • An overview of our BIFKiDS worksheet

  • An invitation to join our Parenting community

Sign up below and get notified when we launch our Parenting Masterclass:

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“Everyone is creative, anyone can innovate, you just need to learn how!”

BIF Parenting is led by Matt Hart, an internationally renowned innovator, educator, and author specialising in accelerated innovation. Over 20+ years, Matt has proven the BIF methods with global brand leaders, agile startups, and pioneering ventures. Now he’s bringing that expertise to help you nurture creativity in your family and beyond.