Solving the problems of enterprise creativity today, developing the next generation of problem solvers for tomorrow.

BIF is creativity,
for all.

Unleashing people & ideas today. Nurturing next-gen problem solvers of tomorrow.


20+ years proven for Better Ideas Faster


Bif Better Ideas Faster Today



BIF People Program is a 10 week mastery of creativity and innovation program for all enterprise professionals motivated for personal and business growth.

People Manual

Beautifully visualising the People Program curriculum in printed and epub formats.

Solo Program

BIF Program for Individual PLD - buy for one and receive a free +1 for paired learning.

Teams Program

Unleashing individual creative confidence and innovating new value together.

Join our growing community and get access to our FREE Masterclass and ebook. Click here



Introducing the Fan Cone™ to harness the power of fans and create world-changing brands that impact the biggest possible audiences.

Fandom Playbook + free e-book

BIF Method as a step by step guide for how to Start, Build, and Grow your fan base.

Cone™ Technology

Cone™ on Enterprise data platforms to Show, Know, and Grow the biggest audiences.

A-Z of Fandom Handbook

Distilling 20+ years of pioneering fan and brand innovation into the language of Fandom.



Supporting parents, carers, and grandparents to knowingly and confidently nurture little people into their big ideas - they’re going to need them in the future!

Parenting Handbook

Our playful read providing easy solutions to parent for the No1 skill of the 21st Century; creativity.

Parenting Masterclass

BIF Founder Matt Hart explores BIF Parenting with curious parents around the dinner table.

Parenting Activity Book

Our BIFKiDS print-at-home resource for parents and carers to try before buying.



Teaching teachers the fundamentals of creativity and innovation as part of our Ministry of Education accepted Professional Learning & Development.

BIF People Manual

Repurposing our Enterprise Manual to provide behaviour and skill learning for Educator creativity.

Educator Masterclass

Watch BIF Founder Matt Hart teaching teachers through creative thinking and innovation process.

Ideas School Programs

Introducing BIF programs designed to augment Primary, Middle, and Senior School learning.

showcase of BIF books

Buy just our books
& goods

showcase of BIF shirts

Bif Better Ideas Faster Tomorrow



Distilling 20+ years of global innovation into a 10 week experience to develop Senior Students/1st Job Workers into the future proofing skills of creativity, problem-solving, & innovation.

The Manual

Beautifully visualising the BIF101 curriculum in printed and epub formats.

The Program

101 daily ‘drops’ of BIF knowledge for innovative learning & doing using real world challenges.

BIF101 Story

Is BIF101 is for you? Talking through the what, why, and how of BIF101.



Using the arts of graphic novels, idea journals, media tech, music, lyrics, performance, etc to entertain young teens into their creative talents.

Graphic Novel

Madix and the BIFBOTS explores the story of how a creative girl survives and thrives in a digital world.

Ideas Journal

The companion workbook to follow the story and apply for personal learning & doing.

Introducing Madix & the BIFBOTS

Combing the art of story, music, and media with technology to inspire young teen creativity.



Kids are naturally curious and fearlessly creative, and too often we’re educating them out of that. BIFKiDS is our mission to reverse this decline by nurturing little people into their big ideas.


Two introductory picture books to inspire Ideas Girls and Ideas Boys everywhere.

Activity Book

Challenging idea superheroes with interactive stories, quizzes, tasks, and much more.

The BIFKiDS platform

We’re developing kids ‘into’ that which gets educated ‘out of’ - their idea superpowers, wild imaginations, and fearless creativity.


Beyond Ideas: Diving into the Depths of Innate Creativity

Twice a month BIF Founder Matt Hart is delivering open coaching - combining his extensive knowledge and experience of innovation with fresh stories from the client coal face, produced as content drops that speak directly to the deep capacities of our inner world - that you can surface and apply for better in your world.


Our blog posts



Represent Your Creativity